Showing posts with label Love Hurt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Love Hurt. Show all posts

Love Hurt

If you see me walking with someone else,
It's not because i want to..
It's because you weren't brave enough to walk by me.
If you see me smile,
It's not because i forgot you...
It's because i got tired of crying for you.
If you see me living again,
It's not because I've moved on...
It's because i hate the fact you can live without me
So if I fall in love with someone else,
It's not because i want to...
It's because you weren't there to catch me .....

Love Hurt

People say that if you love someone you should let them go, but they never say what to do when they don't come back.....

Love Hurt

I feel sometimes like I've truly lost my way..
Sometimes it's hard to make it through the day
When I have the chance to sit and think..
I stare ahead and never stop to blink..
My heart is loudly crying out for you..
My soul is crying out for love so true.

Fall in Love

When you love you get hurt.

When you get hurt you hate.

When you hate you try to forget.

When you try to forget you start missing.

When you start missing you fall in love again.....

Love Hurt

Some People Hurt By Words & Some By Action..
But The Biggest Hurt I Believe Is That
Someone Ignoring You
When You Value Them Bigger Than Anything Else.....

Love Hurt

We ignore those who want us,
Want those who ignore us,
Love those who hurt us,
Hurt those who love us.....


Having a BOYFRIEND and GIRLFRIEND is not LOVE ..
but ...
Having some one in your LIFE on whom you have BLIND faith that even you HURT them to the EXTREME..
they will still HOLD your hand and say -

I was, I am, I will always be YOURS .....

Why I still love you

Why I still love you ??

Sitting here thinking of the times you've hurt me.

Wondering why I still love you.

May be it's your eyes, the way they make me feel so good inside.

or the way you smile, that makes me feel that I've never been so happy in my Life.

It's probably just the way you are, a funny sweet, caring and cute..

But all the times you hurt me,
I just don't understand why I still love you.....

Love Hurt

Someone asked me, aren't you tired of being hurt..?
I replied..
I still handle it..
they asked till when..?
I smiled and said until he gets tired of hurting me.....

Love Hurt

There are only two reasons why people can hurt you.

1. You really care about them.
2. They don't really care about you.....

Falling in Love

Falling in LOVE is beautiful
Even if it is only for a moment˙

Falling in LOVE can be painful
But the pain can be beautiful˙

Falling in LOVE makes you cry
Both the tears of joy and pain˙

Falling in LOVE can bean illusion
Even if you don’t wanna believe that it is˙

Falling in LOVE is not a dream
Though not many can live happily ever
Falling in LOVE is a memory
A memory that will never fade
never fail to bring you both joy and pain
Falling in LOVE I am looking for
And yet scared of.....

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